The School Day and Term Dates

The School Day

Our school day begins with transitions from transport and a wellbeing check in during our morning breakfast club.

The school day then commences at 9:00am and ends at 3:00pm.

Following their wellbeing check, learners move into ‘Target lessons’ where we work intensively on skills related to phonics, maths and reading. These lessons are short bursts of supported intervention to target specific areas identified as in need of development for each child.

All learners take part in curriculum lessons which cover English, maths, science, human and social, and ICT. We believe that no matter the starting point, all learners can achieve and make progress. No matter how small, progress will always be celebrated.

At our school, learners enjoy social periods which support and enhance their social skills including, taking turns in games, conversations and interactions with their peers. Our lunch is eaten in the school hall, meaning learners enjoy their meal with other children, and staff who they are familiar with. Social breaks and lunchtimes are structed and supervised with a focus on improving skills, trying new things, healthy eating and growing independence.

Learners who struggle to access social breaks may wish to be part of our “Nurture Group”, where  staff support learners to gain the confidence needed to join their peers for outside social time.

We encourage our learners to have a wide experience of the outside world from school, they will often take part in visits both for educational purposes and as rewards.

Food at Coombswood School

We work with a local catering company to provide delicious, balanced, nutritious and freshly prepared meals for our learners. Our menus rotate on a 3 weekly cycle to ensure children receive a variety of different meals. Learners are able to select a meat or vegetarian option, or choose a jacket potato or sandwiches as an alternative to the main meal. The main menu is supplemented with freshly prepared salads, crusty bread, fruit salad, cheese and crackers, and yoghurts on a daily basis.

Our catering company have been awarded the Food for Life Gold Catering Mark from the Soil Association. This independent assessment is a guarantee that they provide high quality, fresh food that you can trust.

They run workshops with learners on a regular basis to seek their feedback on the food provided and allow them to taste menu items. They also offer special celebration menus throughout the year.

Learners are able to bring a packed lunch if preferred.


Our school uniform consists of a Coombswood School sweatshirt, a white polo shirt and black trousers or joggers, and black shoes/black trainers. We want learners to be comfortable during the school day, so they can choose to wear trousers or joggers. School sweatshirts are provided by the school and there are no prescribed suppliers for the remainder of the uniform.

Term Dates

Our term dates for the current academic year can be downloaded for future reference by clicking below.